Crowley Farm | Cork
Bandon Co-op
Dan and Helen Crowley are the fourth generation to farm the land. They have four children - son’s Tim and John and daughters Noelle and Kate. All four children grew up on the farm and remember a time when there was a rota on the fridge as to who would help Dan milking that week.
Dan’s son Tim has since joined him full time on the farm and now work in partnership with eachother. They both share a love of dairying and strive to produce the best quality milk possible off grass. They want to continue to farm in an efficient and sustainable way long into the future.

“We are very fortunate to be in a great grassland part of the country so we strive to produce as much milk as possible off this valuable resource.”

“My father is a super role-model and always made going out on the farm an enjoyable experinece” - Tim Crowley

“It’s a great way of life.”

“I love the fact that I have been given the opportunity to carry on this farm to the next generation”